Saturday, January 3, 2009

Life of Freedom

This blog is completely on my experience on Linux and I am not there for an argument which Operating System is the best or good . Each of them has their own strengths and weakness. Here I would like to add some of experience with Linux that I found them as interesting .

I have worked on Windows , Linux and Macintosh machines. The use of mac was aaahhh .. 4 years ago , so I dont want to give a comment on that . I heard the new Lepord is good and has a good look and feel. Planning to get one for myself a mac machine , but not in near future.

I started my computer education on DOS and Windows 3.1 , with the black and white monitor in 1997. well for DOS the whether a color ot black and white no issues . does not make much difference. i was learning of the basics of that. Then slowly moved to Fortran , i dont even remember the syntax of it, but one thing that i remember is that, we should be putting margins on them. Then move on to windows 95 that was the time when i first saw the color monitor for computers. not much worked on Windows 95. Then moved into Windows 98 i find it cool with lot of Application , Office 97 , Games and utilities. Then i installed Mandrake Linux 8 with a dual boot . And i find that i can do the same thing which i can do in Windows . That was my first Linux Operating system .

Later i moved to Redhat linux , I have used starting from Red Hat 6 to Red Hat 9. it was so good. but since i didnt had an internet connection i was not able to use the full functionality. Later When Fedora launched ( developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and sponsored by Red Hat. ) From ther onwards i was using Fedora . From 1 to now the latest Fedora 10.

The main advantage that i saw in Linux is that , there is no issues like a VIrus , a Spyware or an adware. It is free . ( Here the term free means not only free of cost, but freedom to do what you want , like customising , compiling and installing software , to make the look you want and even to add a new feature on that ) .

The latest cool feature that i have used is the compiz-fusion, Compiz is one of the first compositing window managers for the X Window System that uses 3D graphics hardware to create fast compositing desktop effects for window management. The effects, such as a minimization effect and a cube workspace are implemented as loadable plugins. Because it conforms to the Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual standard, Compiz can substitute for the default Metacity in GNOME or KWin in KDE

Compiz-fusion is a compositing window manager that uses 3D graphics acceleration via OpenGL. It is the result of a merge between the old Compiz community plugin set "Compiz Extras" and the parts of the Beryl project that are independent of the window manager core. Here are some screen shots of my Compiz on fedora 10.

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